Video Testimonials Skip to Videos All | 2022-09-15 My daughter reads above grade level now 2022-09-15 Mom from Texas gets help for her son when traditional options didn't work 2022-09-14 Improved reading level 2022-03-07 Student from Ontario is now confident in his reading! 2022-03-04 Mom from Ontario sees rapid progress in her son's reading in just 7 months with Online Reading Tutor 2022-03-02 Dyslexic Dad from Ontario is thankful to see his son succeed with Online Reading Tutor 2022-02-28 Mother from Ontario has her son improve from a JK Reading Level to a Grade 4 Reading Level Introduce your video with a short summary or excerpt viewers can preview. If you don’t add an excerpt, this field will automatically show the first three lines of the video’s description. 2022-02-21 A mom from New Zealand has had 3 children helped by Online Reading Tutor 2021-12-20 A mom from North Dakota describes her daughter's reading improvement: "Its been wonderful for us." 2021-11-22 ORT Graduate Testimonials: Grade 2 to Adult 2021-07-15 A 40 year old dyslexic from Ilinois learns to read. 2021-03-27 A mom from Illinois describes how her daughter improved her reading. 2021-03-11 A grade 4 dyslexic after mastering grade 8 vocabulary visual match decoding. 2020-09-23 Grade 2 struggling reader from Michigan now enjoys reading. 2020-07-29 From NC ... Grade 11 dyslexic now a great reader. 2020-04-16 My dyslexic granddaughter has finally learned to read thanks to Online Reading Tutor. 2020-02-29 In 2003 these parents made $5000 donation to my special education reading class! 2019-04-23 Grade 4 dyslexic improved her reading in 7 months 2019-01-31 A mum of a grade 4 dyslexic. 2018-10-05 Online Reading Tutor DyslexiaTest App 2018-10-03 Dyslexic grade 5 from Utah now reading fluenty 2018-08-18 Successful entrepreneur overcame dyslexia 2018-05-19 Adult dyslexic improves his reading. 2018-04-27 Mom from Iowa 2018-04-27 Mom from Washington: My dyslexic gr 4 daughter is now reading for the first time. 2018-04-26 Overcoming Dyslexia Mississippi 2018-04-26 I now feel confident. 2017-10-04 Mom from Ontario: Our grade 4 dyslexic boy is now reading fluently. 2017-09-07 Mom from Idaho: My son overcame dyslexia in 6th grade. 2017-09-07 My struggling reader now enjoys school. 2017-09-04 Our dyslexic daughter is now reading fluently.